- Wills and Probates
Mr. McCalley can assist in the preparation of a will or in settling any dispute brought up when the will is being settled. He can ensure you that your will complies with all state laws, provide you any advcie needed when it comes to tax situations, and help overcome and particular circumstances.
- Power of Attorney
We can provide you with financial and healthcare power of attorney. Mr.McCalley has your best interests in mind and if you become unable to manage your affairs, he will handle it for you exactly how you would expect from him.

- Contested Estate Litigation
From voided wills to looted estates, from accounting disputes to disagreements over the sale of assets, William McCalley can represent either the estate itself or beneficiaries in the event of a contested will, contested trust and/or allegations of wrongdoing.

- Guardianship Proceedings
If you are seeking professional help when it comes to guardianship proceedings, Mr. McCalley is the man for you. We can assist you in any personal or professional matters depending on what you’re looking for in your lawyer.